Medieval Castles of England
By Mike Salter
Folly Publications
ISBN 9780993187964
244 pages, 800 illustrations (plans and colour pictures)
This book features eighty of England’s castles dating from the late eleventh century to the late fifteenth century which are regularly open to the public. It concentrates on the development and usage of the castles in the medieval period, with only minimal comments on events and additions later than the 1490s. A few of the castles, such as Alnwick, Bamburgh, Baby, Warwick and Windsor, have remained roofed and in use, but the majority are now picturesque ruins. Many other buildings, some of them not normally open to the public, are mentioned and illustrated in the introduction so as to give as full a picture as possible of what remains of all the castles which once stood in England. Wales is not included and may be the subject of a separate book in due course.
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